About Josh Mitchell

Josh Mitchell is the founder and principal consultant of M6L, a full-stack consultancy. What's a "full-stack" consultancy? Glad you asked. I help coach teams to use continuous integration and agile best practices to build great software, usually websites or web-based applications. Because I've been a developer, a project manager, a print designer, and a CTO, I've kinda played all the roles and can help fill gaps in teams that may not have one or more of these roles.

If you think I can help your project/product/program, hit me up on LinkedIn.

If you are reading this blog, you probably share one or more of my interests.

I'm a software architect. I build big, complex websites. I'm particularly fond of government websites because they help people get stuff done. I've done a lot of work with Drupal. (I was even the CTO of the Drupal Association for a bit around the launch of Drupal 8.)

I'm a musician. I play the guitar, ukulele, mandolin. I'm a singer/songwriter as well.

I'm into the outdoors. I run, hike, bike, and ski. My wife and I have a camper van and frequent parks around the Pacific Northwest throughout the year.

This Blog is on Drupal CMS (Starshot)... Kinda... for Now

18 December 2024
Way back in 2015, I moved my blog to a static implementation using Jekyll and Github Pages. While I was very involved in Drupal, I also was very aware of my limited time to keep a Drupal installation up to date. I simply wanted/needed the security a static site ensured. Drupal CMS—and a little extra holiday free time—led me to test a new approach using a Starshot installation while keeping the site static using Tome and Github Pages.

Access Control Strategies for Enterprise Drupal Websites

27 October 2023
When working with large organizations—whether in private enterprise, government, higher education, or non-profits—editorial responsibility is often spread across multiple sub-organizations. Set your editors up for success by choosing an access control strategy that works best for the organizational objectives.